domingo, outubro 22, 2017

Compreender a poesia (Grant Snider - Mark Strand)

Fonte: Blogue O linguado. Dai retiro também este texto (inclui, aliás, os versos de Strand que inspiraram Snider):

"Esta pequena BD de Grant Snider (publicada no seu excelente blogue Incidental Comics - foi inspirada por The New Poetry Handbook, que o poeta Mark Strand (1934-2014), norte-americano nascido no Canadá, incluiu no seu livro Darker: Poems, de 1970."

E pela nossa parte, desde Senderos, acrescentamos este poema de Mark Strand:


I have come this far on my own legs,
missing the bus, missing taxis,
climbing always. One foot in front of the other,
that is the way I do it.

It does not bother me, the way the hill goes on.
Grass beside the road, a tree rattling
its black leaves. So what?
The longer I walk, the farther I am from everything.

One foot in front of the other. The hours pass.
One foot in front of the other. The years pass.
The colors of arrival fade.
That is the way I do it.

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